
Department of Transportation Funding: DOT Grant Programs

DOT Grant Programs

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) offers a wide array of grant funding programs designed to enhance the nation’s transportation infrastructure, promote safety, and drive innovation across various modes of transportation. These grants provide critical financial assistance to state and local governments, transit agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies involved in transportation-related projects.

This comprehensive guide serves as a primary reference for companies and organizations seeking to understand and navigate the DOT’s grant funding landscape. It outlines the key programs available, eligibility criteria, application processes, and best practices for securing funding.

Securing federal funding through Department of Transportation (DOT) programs is essential for advancing infrastructure projects across the United States. The DOT Grant Programs are highly competitive and require meticulous planning and well-strategized application processes. At OD Grant Solutions (ODGS), we leverage our extensive expertise to help organizations successfully apply for, manage, and execute DOT-related projects, ensuring compliance and maximizing funding opportunities.

DOT Grant Program Overview

DOT offers a variety of grant programs designed to enhance the national transportation infrastructure, addressing critical needs across diverse sectors such as freight, public transit, and port facilities. These programs aim not only to improve connectivity and safety but also to drive economic growth and sustainability in local and regional communities. Key programs include:

  • Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD): This program funds roads, rail, transit, and port projects that promise substantial local and regional impacts.
  • Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA): This initiative targets freight and highway projects of national and regional importance, focusing on improvements in safety and economic competitiveness.
  • Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP): This program supports the enhancement and expansion of port infrastructure, which is essential for maintaining a robust global supply chain.

Key DOT Grant Funding Programs

1. Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grants

Purpose and Objectives

RAISE Grants (formerly known as BUILD and TIGER Grants) support surface transportation infrastructure projects that have a significant local or regional impact. The program emphasizes projects that improve safety, economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, quality of life, and state of good repair.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: State, local, and tribal governments, including U.S. territories, transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), and other political subdivisions of state or local governments.
  • Eligible Projects: Highway, bridge, transit, rail, port, and intermodal projects.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Up to $25 million per project.
  • Federal Share: Typically up to 80% of project costs; higher federal share may be considered for rural or disadvantaged communities.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): Announced annually.
  • Application Submission: Through
  • Deadlines: Specified in the NOFO, usually in the first half of the calendar year.

2. Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) Grants

Purpose and Objectives

INFRA Grants support highway and freight projects of national or regional significance. The program aims to improve transportation infrastructure critical to the nation’s economy, mobility, and safety.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: States, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, political subdivisions, tribal governments, and multijurisdictional groups.
  • Eligible Projects: Highway freight projects on the National Highway Freight Network, highway or bridge projects on the National Highway System, railway-highway grade crossing or grade separation projects, and freight projects within intermodal facilities.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: No minimum for small projects; at least $25 million for large projects.
  • Federal Share: Up to 60% of project costs from INFRA funds; combined federal assistance limited to 80%.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • NOFO: Released annually.
  • Application Submission: Via
  • Deadlines: As specified in the NOFO.

3. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Grants

Purpose and Objectives

FTA provides financial and technical assistance to local public transit systems, including buses, subways, light rail, commuter rail, trolleys, and ferries through the department’s own FTA Grant programs. The grants aim to improve public transportation access, efficiency, and safety.

Key Programs

  • Urbanized Area Formula Grants (Section 5307): Funding for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas.
  • Bus and Bus Facilities Grants (Section 5339): Funding to replace, rehabilitate, and purchase buses and related equipment.
  • Capital Investment Grants (CIG) (Section 5309): Funding for major transit capital investments, including rapid rail, light rail, bus rapid transit, and commuter rail.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: Public transit agencies, state and local governmental authorities, tribes.
  • Eligible Projects: Varies by program; generally includes capital projects, planning, and in some cases, operating expenses.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Varies by program and formula allocations.
  • Federal Share: Typically up to 80% for capital projects; varies for operating assistance.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • Formula Grants: Allocated based on statutory formulas.
  • Discretionary Grants: Competitive application process via
  • Deadlines: Specified in NOFOs or FTA notices.

4. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Grants

Purpose and Objectives

FHWA grants support state and local governments in the design, construction, and maintenance of the nation’s highway system and roads on federally and tribally owned lands.

Key Programs

  • Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG): Flexible funding for states and localities for projects to preserve and improve transportation infrastructure.
  • Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP): Funds projects aimed at reducing traffic fatalities and serious injuries.
  • Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program: Funds projects that reduce congestion and improve air quality.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: State departments of transportation (DOTs), local governments, metropolitan planning organizations, tribes.
  • Eligible Projects: Roadway improvements, safety projects, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, environmental mitigation.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Allocated based on statutory formulas.
  • Federal Share: Generally up to 80%, with possible adjustments.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • Formula Grants: Funds are apportioned to states.
  • Project Selection:

    Managed by state DOTs in coordination with local entities.

5. Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP)

Purpose and Objectives

PIDP provides grants to improve port infrastructure and facilities, enhancing the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of goods through ports and intermodal connections.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: Port authorities, states, local governments, tribal governments, public agencies, and special purpose districts with a transportation function.
  • Eligible Projects: Projects that improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods, including port infrastructure, equipment, and environmental mitigation measures.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Varies annually; grants can range from $1 million to over $50 million.
  • Federal Share: Generally up to 80%; higher for small or rural projects.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • NOFO: Released annually by the Maritime Administration (MARAD).
  • Application Submission: Through
  • Deadlines: Specified in the NOFO.

6. Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program

Purpose and Objectives

CRISI aims to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of intercity passenger and freight rail systems. The program funds projects that address rail infrastructure, safety technology, and congestion challenges.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: States, groups of states, public agencies, transportation authorities, Class II and III railroads, and others.
  • Eligible Projects: Deployment of railroad safety technology, capital projects, workforce development, and research.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Varies annually based on appropriations.
  • Federal Share: Up to 80%; certain rural projects may receive up to 100%.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • NOFO: Issued by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).
  • Application Submission: Via
  • Deadlines: As indicated in the NOFO.

7. Airport Improvement Program (AIP)

Purpose and Objectives

AIP provides grants to public agencies for the planning and development of public-use airports that are included in the National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: Public agencies owning public-use airports, private owners of public-use reliever airports, and state governments.
  • Eligible Projects: Runway construction and rehabilitation, airfield lighting, navigation aids, land acquisition, planning, and environmental studies.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Based on entitlement and discretionary funds.
  • Federal Share: Generally 75% to 90%, depending on the type of airport and project.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • Application Submission: Through FAA regional or district offices.
  • Deadlines: Vary; coordination with FAA is essential.

8. Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Program

Purpose and Objectives

TIFIA provides credit assistance in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees, and standby lines of credit to finance transportation projects of national and regional significance.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: State and local governments, transit agencies, railroad companies, special authorities, private firms, and consortia.
  • Eligible Projects: Highway, transit, rail, intermodal freight, and port access projects.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Minimum project cost of $10 million for transit-oriented development and local projects; $50 million for other projects.
  • Federal Share: Up to 33% of reasonably anticipated eligible project costs.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • Letter of Interest (LOI): Submitted to DOT’s Build America Bureau.
  • Application Submission: After invitation following LOI review.
  • Deadlines: Rolling application process.

9. Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grants

Purpose and Objectives

SS4A grants aim to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries through comprehensive safety action plans and implementation projects.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: Metropolitan planning organizations, counties, cities, towns, transit agencies, federally recognized tribal governments.
  • Eligible Projects: Development of safety action plans, implementation of projects and strategies identified in safety action plans.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Varies annually; no minimum or maximum award size specified.
  • Federal Share: Up to 80%; local match of at least 20% required.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • NOFO: Issued by DOT.
  • Application Submission: Through
  • Deadlines: As specified in the NOFO.

10. Maritime Administration (MARAD) Grants

Purpose and Objectives

MARAD grants support the maritime industry by funding projects that enhance maritime transportation infrastructure, promote the use of domestic waterways, and improve the environmental sustainability of maritime operations.

Key Programs

  • America’s Marine Highway Program (AMHP): Supports the development of marine highway services and projects.
  • Small Shipyard Grants: Provides assistance to small shipyards for capital improvements and training programs.
  • Assistance to Small Shipyards Grant Program: Aims to foster efficiency, competitive operations, and quality ship construction.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Applicants: Varies by program; includes state and local governments, port authorities, shipyard owners, and operators.
  • Eligible Projects: Infrastructure improvements, equipment acquisition, workforce training, and environmental projects.

Available Funding

  • Funding Amount: Varies by program and appropriations.
  • Federal Share: Typically up to 75% of project costs.

Application Process and Deadlines

  • NOFO: Released by MARAD.
  • Application Submission: Through
  • Deadlines: As indicated in the NOFO.

The Role of ODGS in DOT Grant Success

ODGS provides customized solutions to help clients navigate the complexities of DOT grant programs, positioning each project for success from the start. Our team collaborates closely with clients to identify project strengths and tailor approaches that align with DOT priorities and funding criteria. Our services are specifically designed to maximize project potential and ensure compliance with federal standards, offering:

  • Grant Readiness Assessments: We evaluate your organization’s project readiness, aligning it with the specific requirements of available DOT grant opportunities.
  • Application and Compliance Guidance: With extensive experience in DOT protocols, we assist in developing competitive applications that meet all compliance criteria.
  • Strategic Planning and Execution: Our experts guide clients in creating detailed project plans that emphasize economic impact, technological innovation, and sustainability—factors crucial to securing DOT grants.
  • Full Lifecycle Grant Management: From pre-application to post-award compliance, our comprehensive management strategies ensure projects adhere to all federal requirements while staying on track.

How ODGS Enriches Your Grant Journey

By partnering with ODGS, organizations access a range of benefits that streamline the DOT grant process and enhance project success. With ODGS’s targeted support, they can navigate complex requirements confidently, maximize funding potential, and implement projects with lasting, positive community impact. These include:

  • Deep Industry Knowledge: Our specialized understanding of transportation sector regulations enables clients to navigate the complexities of federal grants with greater ease.
  • Proven Track Record: Having successfully managed major grants, including the $40 million PIDP grant for Hawaii Stevedores Inc., ODGS has established itself as a trusted leader in DOT grant applications.
  • Customized Support: We align our services with your operational goals, optimizing both the application process and the administrative aspects of grant management.

Unlocking Funding Success with ODGS

Securing DOT grants can be complex, but with ODGS’s expert guidance, it becomes an opportunity for transformative growth and development. Contact ODGS today to leverage our expertise and propel your transportation projects forward with the funding and support needed for success.

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